This privacy policy explains how we will use your personal information that we have collected and your rights with respect to your personal information. We collect your personal information which consists of name, address, transaction details, mobile number, identity proof, etc. we does not reveal any of your personal information and it is completely secure with us. We only collect your personal information for the purposes specified in privacy policy and cookie policy.

If you feel at any point of time that we have collected any wrong information, you can inform us and we will make sure that we will correct your information as soon as possible, our motive is to collect correct information and act transparently so that our customers have clarity of facts about all the proceedings. We make sure, your information with us is completely secure and safe as your safety is our priority.

We also welcome all your feedbacks if you are willing to give as your feedbacks will motivate us to work more effectively and also show us chances of any improvement required, your feedbacks are valuable for us. We also like to inform you that we regularly update our privacy policy, so you can keep an eye on it by visiting regularly on our website.
